Entry Gates can be an attractive and tasteful way to keep out unwanted
traffic. They can also identify the property and make a statement of what
lies beyond the gates.
This entry gate in Woodstock, Vermont leads to a world-class garden.
Designed to keep wild deer from eating the garden, it has a very tight pattern.
The garden itself provides the real plants, so the gate is done in a very
impressionistic manner depicting one of the garden paths and surrounding
plants. It is color-galvanized to protect it for generations and to provide
shades of deep and verdigris greens for an organic feeling (© D.Gerakaris,1995).
This entry gate (© 1977) on the other hand, seeks
only to keep out vehicular traffic, thus the spaces between the metal can
be quite large and airy to allude to the name of the property beyond - "Windswept"-.The
gates pictured are but two examples of the infinite variety of gate designs
that are possible. The openings in both gates measure 12 ft, the maximum
size required by any vehicle that can travel on a road.This gate is made
to look wider than it is by the use of stationary iron panels to the sides
of the actual gates.