Architectural & Sculptural Metalsmithing
by Dimitri Gerakaris
Freestanding SCULPTURES based on Nature
Sculptures inspired by Nature, these one-of-a-kind
freesdtanding sculptures seek to connect us with the beautiful
and awesome forms of life, which have been evolving in the finest
'design lab' for millenia.
This freestanding and kinetic sculpture of forged stainless
steel and bronze, inspired by both the Green Darner Dragonfly
(Anux junius) and Canadian Dragonfly (Aeshna Canadensis) is set
on a New Hampshire granite base. They are marvels of creation
and source of inspiration for minds the like of DaVinci , Sakorsky
and countless others:

The Lily Sculptures shown here were forged of solid bronze
and have found homes in lovely gardens surrounded by real lillies.
The Poppies piece is forged of bronze and steel on a Vermont marble
base and is for interior use. In the way of sculpture, almost
anything is possible: other organic forms like these or totally
abstract forms or animal forms, etc.
To view
more Bronze Sculptures with pricing information, please click
The section in this Website on Process :the Design
& Commissioning Phase indicates how to begin commissioning
a sculpture. You may also wish to see the section on Public
Art and refer to the Index for
more specific topics.
For more information, please contact:
Dimitri Gerakaris
Architectural & Sculptural Metalsmithing
69 Upper Gates Road
Canaan, New Hampshire,03741
Telephone: 603.523.7366
ALL material on this Web site Copyright © Dimitri Gerakaris
1996 -2007 a.r.r.