Architectural & Sculptural Metalsmithing
by Dimitri Gerakaris
Miscellaneous Residential
Furniture, Fountains, Lighting (candle
or electrical), Fireplace items, Weathervanes,
Specialty Architectural in addition to the Railings,Gates and Sculptures
found elsewhere on this Website (please refer to the Index)
are all fair game for this one-of-a-kind production. Please refer
to the section: the Design & Commissioning stage. Below is a small assortment to indicate
the range of possibilities:

The three items above show some of this range: Architectural Elements
to adorn a Baroque residence; Structural elements aesthetically
done for the"King Post" timberwork by the pre-eminent
timberframers of Benson Woodworking
Company for the home of This Old House host, Norm Abram;
and a Wall Sculpture, which also opens up as a Wall Safe.
Left to right: a candlestand designed
to rest alone on a table by a window with a view of the ocean;
glass and slate-topped tables.
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areused to download quickly and provide a rough idea. Click on
any framed photo to get a bigger, better image. Click on highlighted
text to link to more information about that topic plus other thumbnail
images.For your convenience, every page contains a navagation
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ArtGates Residential
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For more information, please contact:
Dimitri Gerakaris
Architectural & Sculptural Metalsmithing
The Upper Gates Road
North Canaan, New Hampshire,03741
Telephone/FAX: 603.523.7366
ALL material on this Web site Copyright © Dimitri Gerakaris
1996 -1999 a.r.r.